Get the Right Coverage
Auto Insurance isn’t just a good thing to have to protect you financially in the case of an accident – in many states it’s required.
All of the Insurance companies we represent provide a wide range of auto Insurance products at a fair price. Your price gets even better if you qualify for any of our available discounts. When applying for auto Insurance, you’re usually asked whether you want collision and/or comprehensive coverage, how high you want your deductible to be, what liability limits you want, and whether you want any types of optional coverage.
Make sure you understand what these terms mean and how much coverage is right for you.
- Standard and Preferred auto Insurance
- High Risk auto Insurance
- Classic autos / High Valued autos
- Special program for Mature/Elderly Drivers
- Discounts that are available
- Recreational vehicles / Boats
What you cover in auto insurance ?
Liability Coverage
Liability coverage pays for injuries you cause to other people and damage you cause to other people’s property when you are at fault in an automobile accident. You can purchase either or both of these coverage’s for each vehicle you own. If you have an auto loan you may be required to purchase both.
Motorist & Optional
This coverage pays if you are injured by a person who is completely uninsured or doesn’t have enough liability Insurance to cover your injuries. It also covers you if you are in an accident with a hit-and-run driver. Optional or special coverage includes extras such as towing, rental reimbursement, and roadside assistance. None of these coverage’s are required.
Collision and comprehensive (other than collision) coverage’s. Collision and Comprehensive (other than collision) coverage’s pay for damage to your automobile. Collision coverage insures you against damage to your vehicle caused during an accident. Collision and comprehensive (other than collision) coverage usually includes a deductible
Personaly Injuiry
Some states require Personal Injury Protection, which is also known as No-Fault coverage. This coverage pays for things like medical and rehabilitative expenses, replacement services, and funeral expenses. It also pays for loss of income if you are injured in an auto accident and are unable to work.
Comprehensive (other than collision) coverage insures you against all other physical damage to your car caused by such events as fire, theft, flood, and vandalism. If your car is damaged, the Insurance Company pays only for the damage in excess of the deductible you selected. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.
Medical Payment
Medical Payments coverage pays medical expenses (up to a specified dollar limit) for you and passengers of your car who are injured in an automobile accident, no matter who is at fault.
How much do I need?
Choosing the appropriate level of auto Insurance coverage depends on a number of factors, including assets you must protect (liability coverage), value of your vehicle (collision and comprehensive), the amount of money you can afford to pay out-of-pocket (deductibles), and your tolerance for risk.
Auto Insurance Discount
Collision and comprehensive (other than collision) coverage usually includes a deductible, which can range from $100 to $1,000. If your car is damaged, the Insurance Company pays only for the damage in excess of the deductible you selected. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium.
FInd the below point that help your insurance discount.
- Save if you Insure more than on car.
- Insurance your car with Mercyland insurance Depot.
- Are you good driver? Your safe driving can also help you.
Auto Insurance discount help you
Distant Student
Home Owners
Explore the today and let's get smarter about:
- Changing auto insurance rates.
- Shopping for auto insurance.
- Roadside emergency.
- Driver Hacks
Getting An Auto Insurance Quote
Quoting online with Mercyland Depot is quick & easy answer a few simple question, give us some information about your driving history & we will give you an accurate quote to consider.
What you will need to fill the quote online
You will discover how easy it is to quote, buy and save on all your insurance needs. Please feel free to contact us for any of your needs.
Licence Plate
Driver licensce Number
Current Insurance Informations
Purchase Date
Advantage of Mercyland Insurance Deport Agent
We make shopping for your insurance as easy as it should be. We’ll even help you find hidden discounts and explore bundling options, so you can save even more.
Maximized Savings
Claim Assistance
Explaining your coverage
Quality Coverage
Personal Support
Finding discounts
Why Mercyland Insurance Depot agent ?
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