The Last of us

Welcome to Mercyland Insurance Depot

We’ll even help you find hidden discounts and explore bundling options, so you can save even more.

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The Last of us

Secure your Auto Insurance in Munities

We will help you get the best options for your car insurance

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The Last of us

Get Insurance in Minutes & Save Up-to 15%

We’ll help you find hidden discounts and explore bundling options.

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The Last of us

Protect your family & secure their life.

Finding the cheap Insurance for your family is easy when you know what all of your options are.

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The Last of us

Protect your business with Our Insurance Plans

You will discover how easy it is to quote, buy and save on all your insurance needs.

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Insurance Coverage That Fits Your Life

Welcome to Mercyland Insurance Depot. Insurance coverage around your needs is easier than you think. We’ll even help you find hidden discounts and explore bundling options, so you can save even more.

Life Insurance

Health insurance rates that will cover you and your family. The Insurance is designed to meet your specific needs.

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Health Insurance

Health insurance rates that will cover you and your family. The Insurance is designed to meet your specific needs.

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Auto Insurance

Competitive auto insurance rates for all cars, Vans or work trucks and all vehicles in between.

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Business Insurance

Great and cheap Home insurance rates for your home against flood, fire and all kind of damages.

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Dental and Vision Insurance

Dental insurance with no waiting period and guaranteed acceptance covering family, individual and groups

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Church And Non-Profit Insurance

Insurance for all Liability & Compensation; Insuring churches, synagogues, temples, schools, camps.

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“I have only good things to say, service was very good and professional. I will refer this service to everyone I know. Keep up the good work. In this economy great and professional service is hard to find.”

Jassica Patricia C.


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27 Jul, 2015

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